

Hello everyone!
This isn't my first blog post on DSPy—I've written several before. However, I've noticed some recent updates to DSPy, and I'd rather not consult the documentation every time I want to build programs. So, I plan to jot down some basic DSPy concepts in this post. Additionally, I intend to use this document as external knowledge for GPT or Claude.

Install DSPy and Set up the LM

Here's how to install DSPy:
For me, I usually use OpenAI, Anthropic and other thrid providers to test models. So here is how to set up the LM.
Other providers(compatible with OpenAI)

Calling the LM

Here’s how to call the LM to answer.


A signature is a declarative specification of input/output behavior of a DSPy module.

Inline DSPy Signatures

  • Question Answering: “question —> answer” which you can also write this as “question:str —> answer:str”
  • Sentiment Classification: “sentence → sentiment:bool” , eg. True if positive
  • Summarization:”document→summary”
You can also have multiple input/output fieldds with types:
  • RAG: “context:list[str], question:str → answer:str”
  • Multiple-Choice Question Answering with Reasoning: “question, choices:list[str] → reasoning:str, selection:int”
Here are some examples of Inline DSPy Signatures:

Class-Based DSPy Signatures

For some advanced tasks, you need more verbose signatures. This is typically to
  • Clarify something about the nature of the task(expressed below as docstring)
  • Supply hints on the nature of an input field, expressed as a desc keyword argument for dspy.InputField .
  • Supply constraints on an output field, expressed as a desc keyword argument for dspy.OutField .
Here are some examples of Class-Based DSPy Signatures:



Modules in DSPy help you shift from tinkering with prompt strings to programming with structured natural-language modules. For each AI component in the system, you can specify input/output behavior as a signature and select a module to assign a strategy for invoking the LM. DSPy expands the signature into prompts and parses your typed output.
Here are some examples to illustrate:

Math(Chain of Thought)

Possible Output


Possible Output

Information Extraction

Possible Output


Possible Output


A DSPy optimizer is an algorithm that can tune the parameters of a DSPy Program(i.e., the prompts and/or the LM weights) to maximize the metrics you specifiy, like accuracy.
A typical DSPy optimizer takes three things:
  • Your DSPy Program
  • Your metric
  • A few training inputs. This may be very small(ie., only 5 or 10 examples) and incomplete (only inputs to your program, without any labels)

Automatic Finetuning

This optimizer is used to fine-tune the underlying LLM(s)
  1. BootstrapFinetune: Distills a prompt-based DSPy program into weight updates. The output is a DSPy program that has the same steps but where each step is conducted by a finetuned model instead of a prompted LM.
    1. Here is an example to fine-tune the example.

Automatic Few-Shot Learning

These optimizers extend the signature by automatically generating and including optimized examples within the prompt sent to the model, implementing few-shot learning.
  1. LabeledFewShot Simply constructs few-shot examples(demos) from provided labeled input and output data points. Requires k (numbers of examples for the prompt) and trianset to randomly select k examples from.
  1. BootstrapFewShot: Uses a teacher module (which defaults to your program) to generate complete demonstrations for every stage of your program, along with labeled examples in trainset. Parameters include max_labeled_demos (the number of demonstrations randomly selected from the trainset) and max_bootstrapped_demos (the number of additional examples generated by the teacher). The bootstrapping process employs the metric to validate demonstrations, including only those that pass the metric in the "compiled" prompt. Advanced: Supports using a teacher program that is a different DSPy program that has compatible structure, for harder tasks.
  1. BootstrapFewShotWithRandomSearch: Applies BootstrapFewShot several times with random search over generated demonstrations, and selects the best program over the optimization. Parameters mirror those of BootstrapFewShot, with the addition of num_candidate_programs, which specifies the number of random programs evaluated over the optimization, including candidates of the uncompiled program, LabeledFewShot optimized program, BootstrapFewShot compiled program with unshuffled examples and num_candidate_programs of BootstrapFewShot compiled programs with randomized example sets.
  1. KNNFewShot. Uses k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to find the nearest training example demonstrations for a given input example. These nearest neighbor demonstrations are then used as the trainset for the BootstrapFewShot optimization process. See this notebook for an example.

Automatic Instruction Optimization

These optimizers produce optimal instructions for the prompt and, in the case of MIPROv2 can also optimize the set of few-shot demonstrations.
  1. COPRO: Generates and refines new instructions for each step, and optimizes them with coordinate ascent (hill-climbing using the metric function and the trainset). Parameters include depth which is the number of iterations of prompt improvement the optimizer runs over.
  1. MIPROv2: Generates instructions and few-shot examples in each step. The instruction generation is data-aware and demonstration-aware. Uses Bayesian Optimization to effectively search over the space of generation instructions/demonstrations across your modules.
Nov 26, Explore DSPy on BootstrapFinetuneNov 17, Recap for October